A Conversation on AI with Frankfurt Kurnit Klein & Selz’s Jeffrey Greenbaum

Meet Jeffrey A. Greenbaum, a prominent figure in advertising law and a Managing Partner at Frankfurt Kurnit since 2010. Renowned as one of the United States’ foremost advertising lawyers, Mr. Greenbaum brings extensive expertise to the firm’s Advertising, Marketing & Public Relations Group. With a stellar reputation, he has earned accolades such as being named “Advertising Lawyer of the Year” three times in the New York metro area by Best Lawyers. Beyond his legal practice, Mr. Greenbaum serves as Chairman of the Global Advertising Lawyers Alliance, has chaired the Committee on Consumer Affairs of the New York City Bar, and serves as Vice President of Government Affairs for IAA Global.

Join IAA Benelux as we gather Greenbaum’s perspectives on the risks and opportunities in using AI within the advertising industry, and how self-regulation can potentially play a part in using AI responsibly.

IAA Benelux: How have you seen the recent evolution of AI change the advertising industry?

Greenbaum: There’s a great deal of interest in, and excitement about, the potential uses of AI in the advertising industry. Right now, we’re in a learning and experimentation phase. Advertisers and their advertising agencies are learning about the incredible ways in which AI tools can be used to support their marketing efforts. And many are jumping in and experimenting with ways in which to incorporate generative AI into their advertising campaigns and to use AI tools to more effectively connect with consumers. The industry recognizes that there’s a tremendous sense of possibility with the use of AI and everyone’s just trying to sort out exactly what that is.

IAA Benelux: What do you see as the main risks of using AI in the advertising industry?

Greenbaum: One of the biggest risks of using AI in the advertising industry is using AI without fully understanding how the technology works and what the limitations are. There are lots of things that AI can be used for, there are lots of use cases where there are big question marks, and there are plenty of things that AI shouldn’t be used for at all. Advertisers and their advertising agencies need to take the time to figure all of that out. Another big risk is jumping into the use of generative AI in connection with advertising campaigns without all of the stakeholders understanding that campaigns created with generative AI are different and that they present different risks and benefits.

IAA Benelux: What do you see as the main opportunities for using AI in the advertising industry?

Greenbaum: AI presents many exciting opportunities for the advertising indstry. But it presents many challenges as well. For example, advertisers are going to have to learn how to use AI in a manner that doesn’t infringe third party rights, that respects people’s privacy, and that doesn’t mislead consumers or harm them in other ways.

IAA Benelux: Do you feel that self-regulation on AI could be an effective tool for the advertising industry?

Greenbaum: In the United States, we’ve had great success with advertising self-regulation. Self-regulation could certainly play an important role in helping advertisers use artificial intelligence in a responsible manner.